(Drama - Episodic TV) When Donnie Manley, a teenage boy in the rural community of Rockland Park, shoots up his high school, the community (and more directly his family) must deal with the aftermath of this evil they all may have helped create.
(Drama - Feature Film) A well-intentioned young woman in rural America gets mixed up in a pyramid scheme. Her obsession with success, fame and money end up bankrupting and ruining the lives of her family, friends and whole small town. What is the cost of success? And is success worth it if you're all alone once you've attained it?
(Horror / Black Comedy - Episodic TV) A new kind of dating/survival reality show. No one gets out alive if they don’t own up to the worst things they’ve ever done to others. But everything’s on the cloud….so will anyone get out alive?
(Horror / Black Comedy - Short) Liberals Ernie and Flo are moving into a subdivision outside of Phoenix. They’re eager to finally start their retired life. But what they don’t realize is the neighborhood is populated by disturbed conservative retirees. Will they survive amongst their new neighbors? Welcome to Sublimity, AZ!
(Drama - Episodic TV) Sometimes giving a voice to a people means losing your life in the process. Dr. Joseph Meadows honors his dead son’s memory by creating technology that enables low-functioning autistic children to speak. Despite the national accolades, this technology brings both joy and tragedy: an innocent father is accused of a heinous crime, a mother chooses between a child and a life-long dream, a lonely man falls in love with his autistic student and the doctor ruins his marriage when he finds, in his own student, a second son.
(Drama - Feature Film) When a vagabond couple stumbles upon a backwoods Oregon cabin whose previous owners have died, they forego their quest for the American Dream of true freedom, travel and the open road to try their hand at a domesticated life. Upon getting closer with the people of this small community and each other, they must come to terms with the fact that their American dreams are quite different from everyone else’s, and ultimately their American dreams are quite different from each other’s.
(Horror / Action - Feature Film) In this world of vampires, he who controls the world’s blood controls the power. Drake Volar has sworn off blood completely and in so doing he’s thrust on a journey to save a human girl’s life, stand against a corrupt, blood-thirsty system and restore faith to humanity.